Thursday, 12 October 2023

Don't price your game lower ever again - Indie Game Developer Rant

No, don't charge lower prices like $0.99 for your game, here is why. I used to be a developer who launched platform and horror games for $0.99 in the past. From 2018- 2022, this price tag used to work for me and I sold 100s of copies of the games thereby, making me a lot of money in just a week.

In 2023, due to changes in Steam algorithm and increase in new releases, things have started to fall. The first time I have realized it when I launched Ayako's Mission on Steam in June, 2023. It sold around 70 copies in the first week. When I launched a shoot'em up title in 2019, it sold around 180 in the first week. So, there is a deficiency of 110 units. That was the wake up call.

I thought genre might be the problem. Because I used to sell 100s of copies of horror games at launch at this price point. So, I tried with my latest release, Charles Haunted Mansion. It sold like crap, not even 50 copies in the first week.

There are two possibilities of this outcome. Either the quality of the game wasn't good enough or people are avoiding $0.99 games as most crappy asset flip games cost this much.

I have failed this time as well. So, judging by the sales numbers I have decided to charge higher from now on. I will no longer bet on $1 price tag as it is not working anymore.

If you are developing a game and you think your game is worth $2 and not more than that then keep it at $2. Again, if your game is worth $5, keep it at $5. Sure, your launch week might suck. You might sell a few units at higher price but you will make more in the long run given that your game is good. Make sure you use a launch discount when launching on Steam because the players are already conditioned to buy games with discounts.

I will say that again, go for the higher price! I am not saying to rip people off and charge a ridiculous price. Charge what you think your game is really worth. That's your price tag. But stay away from $0.99. People avoid this price tag altogether.

Another thing I would like to add here is that you need to find a sweet spot in correlation with the quality of your product. Nobody knows your game well than you do. So, be honest about what value it provides to customers and charge whatever works the best for you in the long run. Ask yourself, will you pay $X.XX for the game you are selling? Pricing a game can be challenging sometimes.  

Note: If $1 price tag is working for you, then it's all good if you are seeing good results.

Now, the question is, will I be able to make Charles Haunted Mansion profitable at $1 price point? Only time will tell.

That's all for today!

Defining the success of Charles Haunted Mansion A 2D Survival Horror Game



Charles Haunted Mansion is an experimental horror game, which is $0.99, launched on Steam on 15th September, 2023. The price is now raised to $3.99 to test something new.

I. LONG TERM GOALS: Here are my goals. I will update the data from time to time. I will strike through them as soon as I reach my goals. Success is different for different people but for me my goal is realistic. My goals can be further divided into four categories.

a) Making A Living: The goal is to make a living creating video games. It is very much possible because I am from a country(IN) with a low cost of living. I basically need $200 a month to survive. It does not have to be from one game but from multiple titles.

b) Marketing: No, I am not going to invest money in marketing. I might do some free marketing here and there. I want to see how many copies it sells with $0 marketing budget. The strategic discounting can be an incredible way to increase sales and revenue.

b) Bundles: I have found bundles to be very fascinating! What I tried is that I gave deeper discount for bundles while keeping the individual game discounts to 40-60% and has been doing great ever since! Most of my sales occur through bundles.

Why are you charging such $3.99? Is it profitable?

First off, I started with $0.99 to sell more copies at $0.99 and to receive early feedback and organic reviews. It did manage to receive only 1 review which isn't enough. Now, I raised the price to $3.99 so I guess I will test the price point as well along with the bundle strategy. It seems to work better than giving deeper discounts.

According to my experience it is easier to sell more copies using bundles strategy than selling it individually. The trick is that the price must be around $3.99 or higher for increasing profit when sold through bundles.

It is profitable.


II. Milestones: 

Review milestone:

- Got First review!

- Got 5 reviews!

- Got 10 reviews!

- Got 20 reviews!

Anything above that is anomaly.




Net Revenue milestone:

- Made $50 in sales

- Made $300 in sales

- Made $500 in sales

- Made $1000 in sales

- Made $1600 in sales.

Anything above that is anomaly.

Also, I will get back Steam direct fee which I paid after my game makes $1000 in net revenue. That should be my target for now.